I will never get any work done now and its all your fault. I received the dinky baby Christmas pattern yesterday. I am making them for small gifts for some friends and package toppers for my family, I do have a small shop but may not have any extra for it. one problem was my niece collects angels and doesn't go much for Santa's. Last night as I was putting together a white doll I put a little piece of long fur for hair and I had some metal wings that have a hook to hang and a halo attached. I tied that to her and added a gold star to her hand. She now hangs above my sewing machine until I put her on my nieces package. thought you might like to hear of another variation to your so sweet dolls. I love them and can't wait to make some more tonight
Barb sent me this idea and I wanted to share it with all of you. Sounds like she is getting into making babies!