Please take a look at a very unselfish act by Dinky Baby Distributor Nora Stockman and her daughter Haven Brown. They truly know the gift of giving. I know this project will be even more successful next year and every year after. Thanks to you both and to all those who participated in this effort, please read the story in the Index Journal. If anyone is interested in helping with Project HUGS for 2009, contact

Even a grown up can have a Christmas wish come true. Needless to say, she was quite happy when she was presented a Dinky Baby Raggedy Annie doll made by Angie Paturzo (Dinky Baby Distributor).

Looks like Santa finally delivered!
Two different stores, but both show in a small way the gift of giving touches many people.
I told Angie how her doll touched this grown woman and this is what she had to say.
Awwwww.....that makes me so happy! Vicki, I have made lots and lots of things over the years, but nothing else has brought so much joy as these dolls. Thanks for being so talented and making your patterns accessible. I have a sense of accomplishment after I have made a doll. I have never had that feeling with other things I have made. You have really made a lot of Christmases across this country and the world brighter for lots of kids.